
To my friends at  Golden Retriever Rescue Southern Nevada:

Sorry for the delay in writing this note, but I wanted to respond because of our wonderful experience. I rescued Max, renamed “Dug” at the end of August last year. My children renamed him Dug after the Golden in the movie Up that says “Hi my name is Dug, I have just met you and I love you”. This is how our Duggy is, he loves everyone he meets and everyone just loves him. He is just the most loving dog I’ve ever encountered.

Having him as a new member of our family has just been great. We go for walks, play fetch at the park (great exercise for me and the kids); he is a nonstop source of fun and love in our lives from the day he arrived. He has also been such a good dog  He has never chewed anything up, he uses the dog door like a champ and always does his business outside. One time, however, right after we first got him, he stole a whole loaf of bread off the counter and ate it all.  I busted him and you should have seen the look on his face. I just couldn’t be mad at him. People who are considering adopting should know that dogs are like people.  None of us are perfect and we need to forgive for their mistakes and just love them always and they will give you back unconditional love all the days of their lives. You sometimes can’t get that from people.

Me and my kids can’t thank you enough for bringing him into our lives. Thank you to Kathy Ford and all of you at the rescue who made it possible to have this new member of our family.

Best Wishes

Paul Urbano